Wyoming Scholarships & School Codes

The Wyoming Pell Grant is used for attending college. You can use this grant at any college in Wyoming as long as they participate in the Federal Student Aid Program if your school has a 6-digit federal school code. You will be able to know if you are eligible for the Wyoming Pell Grant by your EFC. If your EFC is lower than $6206, then you are eligible. We’ve listed all the Federal Student Aid school codes for Wyoming colleges at the bottom of the page.

Here are the school codes for colleges in Wyoming.

003928 CASPER COLLEGE http://www.caspercollege.edu/
005018 CENTRAL WYOMING COLLEGE http://www.cwc.edu/
015625 CHEEKS BEAUTY ACADEMY http://cheeksbeautyacademy.com/
003929 EASTERN WYOMING COLLEGE http://www.ewc.wy.edu/
009259 LARAMIE COUNTY COMMUNITY CLG http://www.lccc.wy.edu/
003930 NORTHERN WYOMING COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTR http://www.sheridan.edu/
003931 NORTHWEST COLLEGE http://www.nwc.edu/
003932 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING http://www.uwyo.edu/
003933 WESTERN WYOMING COMMUNITY COLLEGE https://www.westernwyoming.edu/
009157 WYOTECH http://www.wyotech.edu/
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