18 Scholarships for AAPI Students!

1. Asian Pacific Fund- The Asian Pacific Fund provides an array of scholarships to AAPI students, ranging from high school seniors to graduate and professional students. Scholarships are available for a variety of academic disciplines and are available to both U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Website: https://asianpacificfund.org/what-we-do/scholarships/

2. Asian American Journalists Association- The AAJA offers financial assistance to AAPI students interested in pursuing a career in journalism. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students, and are available to all majors. Website: https://www.aaja.org/scholarships

3. Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution Scholarship Program- The AANAPISI Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to AAPI students who are enrolled in degree programs at AANAPISI-designated colleges and universities. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://apiascholars.org/scholarship/aanapisi-scholarship/

4. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation- The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation provides financial assistance to AAPI high school seniors and college students. Scholarships are available for a variety of academic disciplines and are available to both U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Website: https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/

5. Chinese American Citizens Alliance- The Chinese American Citizens Alliance offers financial assistance to AAPI students who are high school seniors and college students. Scholarships are available for a variety of academic disciplines and are available to both U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Website: http://www.cacanational.org/htmlPages/education.html

6. Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association- The AAPI Nurses Association provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a career in nursing. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://aapina.org

7. Japanese American Citizens League- The Japanese American Citizens League provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a career in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://jacl.org/scholarships/

8. Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Program- The APIA Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://apiascholars.org/

9. Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations- The AAPCHO Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in the health care field. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://aapcho.org/

10. Asian Pacific American Bar Association- The APABA Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in law. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.apaba-dc.org/

11. Asian Pacific American Legal Center- The APALC Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in law. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.apalrc.org/

12. Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies- The APAICS Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in public policy. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://apaics.org/

13. Asian Pacific American Women’s Leadership Institute- The APAWLI Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI women who are interested in pursuing a degree in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://apawli.org/scholarships/

14. National Asian Pacific American Bar Association- The NAPABA Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in law. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.napaba.org

15. National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum- The NAPAWF Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI women who are interested in pursuing a degree in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.napawf.org/

16. National Association of Asian American Professionals- The NAAAP Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.naaap.org

17. Asian American/Pacific Islander Giving Circle Network- The AAPI Giving Circle Network provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in any field of study. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://aapip.org/programs/national-giving-circle-network/

18. Pacific Islanders in Communications- The PIC Scholarship Program provides scholarships to AAPI students who are interested in pursuing a degree in communications or media. Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Website: https://www.piccom.org/

To learn more about how to apply to other financial aid opportunities, such as the Pell Grant, click here: https://thepell.com/pell-grant-application-process/

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