25 Scholarships For LGBT Students

There are many scholarships available for LGBT students! Here are 25.

1. Point Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ high school seniors, undergraduate, or graduate students. It provides up to $10,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, and two letters of recommendation. Website: https://pointfoundation.org/scholarships/

2. Pride Foundation Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ and straight ally high school seniors and current college students. It provides up to $10,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, and two letters of recommendation. Website: https://www.pridefoundation.org/scholarships/

3. Human Rights Campaign Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate students. It provides up to $5,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, and two letters of recommendation. Website: https://www.hrc.org/resources/scholarships

4. Out & Equal Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. It provides up to $10,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://outandequal.org/scholarships/

5. PFLAG National Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ graduating high school seniors who plan to attend an accredited two- or four-year college or university. It provides up to $10,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://pflag.org/resource/chapter-scholarship-programs/

6. Horizons Foundation Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $5,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://hhttps://www.horizonsfoundation.org/funding-programs/lgbtq-scholarships-fellowships/orizonsfoundation.org/grants-and-scholarships/

7. Lambda Legal Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $2,500 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://www.lambdalegal.org/

8. Live Out Loud Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ high school seniors and current college students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $2,500 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://liveoutloud.info/scholarships/

9. American Institute of Bisexuality Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students. It provides up to $2,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://www.bisexual.org/scholarships/

10. Trans Student Educational Resources Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ high school seniors and current college students. It provides up to $2,500 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://www.transstudent.org/scholarships

11. The Pride Law Fund Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate, graduate, and law school students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $2,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://www.pridelawfund.org/scholarships/

12. The Point/William Way LGBT Community Center Scholarship: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $2,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://pointfoundation.org/

13. The Point Foundation Leadership Awards: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $10,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://pointfoundation.org/

14. The Pride Foundation Community Scholarships: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $2,500 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://pridefoundation.org/find-funding/scholarships/

15. The Point Foundation Mentorship Program: This scholarship is open to LGBTQ+ undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate leadership and advocacy for LGBTQ+ equality. It provides up to $5,000 per recipient to help support their educational goals. To apply, applicants must submit a completed application form, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, and a portfolio of creative work. Website: https://pointfoundation.org/

16. The Audria M. Edwards Scholarship Fund: The scholarship fund, named for Audria M. Edwards, awards scholarship funds to LGBT students in Oregon and some parts of Washington. The amounts vary per recipient. Applicants must be pursuing post-secondary, under-graduate education in an accredited institution or program during the coming school year, be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Queer or Intersex or have an LGBTQI parent, and have been a resident for at least one year in the State of Oregon or in Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, or Wahkiakum Counties in Washington.

17.  The Phoenix Pride Scholarship: The Phoenix Pride Scholarship Program is a charitable program to provide scholarships to High school seniors, current college students, and adult re-entry students in our community who identify as LGBTQ+ who are attending any type of FAFSA-accredited postsecondary school. Website: https://phoenixpride.org/communityfoundation/scholarships/

18.  Live Out Loud Scholarship: This scholarship provides a $5,000 scholarship to LGBT students in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Students must submit two letters of recommendations from academic and/or organization professionals that attest to their prior commitment to LGBTQ+ issues, or their potential to be a courageous leader in the future. Website: https://liveoutloud.org/programs/young-trailblazers-scholarship/

19. The Equality Scholarship: This scholarship is open to high school seniors who identify as LGBTQ. Applicants must submit an essay, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript. Website: https://www.equalityscholarship.org/

20. The Stonewall Foundation Scholarship Program: This program is open to LGBTQ students who demonstrate a commitment to community service and leadership. Applicants must submit an essay, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript. Website:https://www.stonewallfoundation.org/scholarships

21.  The Acorn Equality Fund provides various scholarships to LGBT students in Illinois. The scholarships range from $1000-$4,000. Website: https://www.acornequalityfund.org/scholarships.html

22. Bold Amelia Michelle Sanford LGBTQIA+ Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship provides LGBT+ high school seniors who play a sport. A short video or essay is required to apply. It is worth $2500. Website: https://bold.org/scholarships/amelia-michelle-sanford-lgbtqia-memorial-scholarship/

23.  The National Gay Pilots Association: The National Gay Pilots Association is awarding $300,000 worth of scholarships to LGBT students pursuing a pilot career. Website: https://www.ngpa.org/scholarships?locale=en_us

24.  The Out For Education Scholarship: The Out For Education Scholarship provides scholarships ranging from $1,000 over a year to $10,000 over four years for LGBT students in the Houston Area. https://outforeducation.org/lgbtq-scholarship-information/

25. The Tang Scholarship: The Tang Scholarship provides financial assistance to students who are members of the LGBT and API community. Applicants must be from the Bay Area and demonstrate financial hardship and academic promise. Website: https://sites.google.com/site/tangscholarship

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