Utah Scholarships & School Codes

The Utah Pell Grant is used for attending college. You can use this grant at any college in Utah as long as they participate in the Federal Student Aid Program if your school has a 6-digit federal school code. You will be able to know if you are eligible for the Utah Pell Grant by your EFC. If your EFC is lower than $6206, then you are eligible. We’ve listed all the Federal Student Aid school codes for Utah colleges at the bottom of the page.

Here are the school codes for the colleges in Utah.

041655 ACAYDIA SPA AND SCHOOL OF AESTHETICS LLC http://www.acaydiaschool.com/
041699 AMERICAN BEAUTY ACADEMY http://www.americanbeautyutah.com/
016027 AMERITECH COLLEGE http://www.ameritechcollege.edu/
040723 AVEDA INSTITUTE PROVO http://avedaprovo.com/
041927 BARBER SCHOOL (THE) http://www.barberschool.com/
042168 BONNIE JOSEPH ACADEMY OF COSMETOLOGY & B http://www.bonniejosephacademy.com/
014257 BRIDGERLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.btc.edu/
003670 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY http://www.byu.edu/
011166 BROADVIEW COLLEGE http://www.broadviewuniversity.edu/
039213 CAMEO COLLEGE OF ESSENTIAL BEAUTY http://www.cameocollege.net/
034633 CAREERS UNLIMITED http://www.careersunlimited.net/
017313 COLLECTIV HAIR DRESSING ACADEMY http://www.collectivacademy.com/
015195 DAVIS TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.davistech.edu/
041217 DIXIE TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.dixietech.edu/
015359 EAGLE GATE COLLEGE http://www.eaglegatecollege.edu/
003672 ENSIGN COLLEGE http://www.ensign.edu/
042799 ESTEEM ACADEMY OF BEAUTY http://www.esteemacademy.com/
017310 EVANS HAIRSTYLING COLLEGE OF CEDAR CITY http://www.evanscollege.com/
017295 EVANS HAIRSTYLING COLLEGE OF ST. GEORGE http://www.evanscollege.com/
036173 HEALING MOUNTAIN MASSAGE SCHOOL http://www.healingmountain.org/
041619 MANDALYN ACADEMY http://www.mandalynacademy.com/
042183 MIDWIVES COLLEGE OF UTAH http://midwifery.edu/
034133 MOUNTAINLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.mtech.edu/
030821 MYOTHERAPY COLLEGE OF UTAH http://www.myotherapycollege.com/
009948 NEUMONT COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE http://neumont.edu/
038383 NIGHTINGALE COLLEGE http://www.nightingale.edu/
042103 NIMA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AESTH http://www.nimaedu.com/
015526 OGDEN-WEBER TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.owatc.edu/
039093 PAUL MITCHELL THE SCHOOL LOGAN http://www.logan.paulmitchell.edu/
E02120 PAUL MITCHELL THE SCHOOL OGDEN http://www.ogden.paulmitchell.edu/
017186 PAUL MITCHELL THE SCHOOL SALT LAKE CITY http://www.slc.paulmitchell.edu/
031104 PAUL MITCHELL THE SCHOOL ST. GEORGE http://www.stgeorge.paulmitchell.edu/
016775 PROVO COLLEGE http://www.provocollege.edu/
041530 RENAISSANCE ACADEMIE http://www.renaissanceacademy.edu/
005220 SALT LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE http://www.slcc.edu/
041455 SKIN SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF LASER & ESTHET http://www.skinscienceinstitute.com/
038295 SKINWORKS SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SKINCARE http://www.skincare.edu/
003679 SNOW COLLEGE http://www.snow.edu/
003678 SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY http://www.suu.edu/
040543 SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.swtc.edu/
003674 STEVENS HENAGER COLLEGE http://www.stevensheneger.edu/
E02200 TAYLOR ANDREWS ACADEMY – OREM http://www.taylorandrewsacademy.com/
041732 TAYLOR ANDREWS ACADEMY OF HAIR DESIGN http://www.taylorandrewshair.com/
041842 TAYLOR ANDREWS ACADEMY-ST. GEORGE http://www.taylorandrewsstg.com/
041915 TOOELE APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE http://www.tatc.edu/
041830 TOP NAILS & HAIR BEAUTY SCHOOL http://www.topnailschool.com/
013721 UINTAH BASIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE http://www.ubtech.edu/
003675 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH http://www.utah.edu/
003677 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY http://www.usu.edu/
003671 UTAH TECH UNIVERSITY http://www.utahtechuniversity.com/
004027 UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY http://www.uvu.edu/
003680 WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY http://www.weber.edu/
033394 WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY http://www.wgu.edu/
003681 WESTMINSTER COLLEGE http://www.westminstercollege.edu/
042753 ZION MASSAGE COLLEGE http://www.zionmassagecollege.com/