Resume photo?

Is it a good idea to attach a photo to your resume?

Attaching a photo to your resume can be a great way to stand out and make a lasting impression with a potential employer. However, it is important to consider the potential implications of including a photo on your resume before making that decision. When deciding whether or not to add a photo to your resume, it is important to consider the potential implications this could have on your job search. Employers should not make hiring decisions based on a candidates appearance, so including a photo with your resume could potentially be seen as an attempt to influence the hiring decision. Additionally, including a photo on your resume could make you stand out in a negative way, as employers may view it as unprofessional or tacky. Despite the potential drawbacks, there are some situations in which attaching a photo to your resume may be a good idea. If you are applying for a job in a field where your appearance is particularly important, such as modeling, acting, or sales, including a photo on your resume may be beneficial. This will allow the employer to get a better sense of your physical appearance and help them make a more informed hiring decision. Additionally, if you are applying for a job in another country, it may be beneficial to include a photo as a form of cultural exchange. When deciding to include a photo on your resume, it is important to make sure that you are presenting yourself in the best possible light. Your photo should be professional and welllit, and should accurately depict what you look like in person. It is also important to choose an appropriate outfit that is suitable for the job you are applying for. Additionally, the photo should be a recent one, as you want to make sure the employer is getting an accurate representation of you. Overall, attaching a photo to your resume can be a great way to make a lasting impression with a potential employer. However, it is important to consider the potential implications of including a photo before making that decision. When in doubt, it is usually best to leave the photo off of your resume, unless you are applying for a job that requires a photo of you as part of the application process.

For another perspective, we asked Judge Josh at Outlaw Student the same question — here’s what he said:

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