Don’t be desperate!

Why is it a bad idea to appear desperate during a scholarship application?

When applying for a scholarship, it is important to remember to be confident, but not desperate. Appearing desperate and acting as if you wont survive without the award can be detrimental to your application. Oftentimes, scholarship applications are highly competitive, and the selection process can be subjective. Scholarship committees are looking for the most qualified and deserving candidates that can demonstrate both need and academic excellence. It is for this reason that appearing desperate and acting as if you wont survive without the award can be a big turnoff. When applying for a scholarship, it is important to come across as confident and capable. Showcasing your abilities and strengths, rather than focusing on your weaknesses, is key. While it is important to be honest and transparent about your need for the scholarship, you dont want to come across as needy or desperate. Scholarship committees are looking for candidates who can demonstrate selfsufficiency and independence. They want to know that you are capable of achieving success without the help of a scholarship. Appearing desperate can also give off the impression that you lack in other areas of your life. You dont want to give off the impression that you are unable to provide for yourself, or that you are relying solely on the scholarship. This can make the selection committee feel as though you are taking advantage of the opportunity, and they may be less likely to select you. Additionally, appearing desperate can make you appear less professional. Scholarship committees are looking for the most polished and professional applicants. You want to make sure you sound confident in your writing and dont come across as overly eager or desperate. You want to show the committee that you can think independently and can problem solve on your own. Finally, appearing desperate can make it seem as though you are taking the scholarship for granted. You should always be appreciative of the opportunity, and show the selection committee that you understand the importance of the award and how it can benefit you. You dont want to give off the impression that you are expecting to be awarded the scholarship without putting in the effort. In summary, it is important to remember to be confident, but not desperate, when applying for a scholarship. Appearing desperate and acting as if you wont survive without the award can be detrimental to your application. Scholarship committees are looking for the most qualified and deserving candidates that can demonstrate both need and academic excellence. It is important to come across as confident and capable, and to demonstrate selfsufficiency and independence. Appearing desperate can also make you appear less professional and make it seem as though you are taking the scholarship for granted.

For another perspective, we asked Judge Josh at Outlaw Student the same question — here’s what he said:

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