Why is it a bad idea to write about controversial political issues for scholarship essays?
Writing about controversial political issues for scholarship essays can be a risky endeavor. In today’s polarized political climate, it can be difficult to express an opinion without offending someone. Even if you’re well–versed in the issue, it’s important to remember that scholarship committees are often looking for applicants who can express themselves objectively and without bias. First, it’s important to consider the committee’s point of view. Scholarship selection committees are typically comprised of people from different backgrounds and political beliefs. Even if you feel passionately about a certain issue, it’s likely that at least one person on the committee won’t share your perspective. Bringing up a contentious political issue in your essay could inadvertently alienate some members of the committee and decrease your chances of being selected. Second, writing about a controversial political issue in your scholarship essay could demonstrate a lack of maturity. Scholarship committees generally expect applicants to demonstrate the ability to think critically and objectively about important topics. Writing about a political issue in a way that is overly opinionated or biased could demonstrate a lack of understanding or maturity. Finally, writing about a controversial political issue in your essay could take away from your achievements and positive qualities. Scholarship essays are meant to be a platform for you to demonstrate why you stand out from the crowd. If you spend most of your essay discussing a political issue, you may miss the chance to highlight your accomplishments and unique qualities. In short, writing about controversial political issues for scholarship essays can be a risky move. Committees tend to look for applicants who can demonstrate maturity and objectivity, and political issues can be difficult to discuss without bias. Additionally, spending too much time discussing a political issue could take away from your accomplishments and unique qualities. For these reasons, it’s generally a good idea to avoid writing about controversial political issues for scholarship essays.
For another perspective, we asked Judge Josh at Outlaw Student the same question — here’s what he said: https://www.outlawstudent.com/2008/03/be-careful-with-sensitive-political-issues/