Advice on returning to school as a mom?

Advice on returning to school as a mom?

Going back to school as a mom can be a daunting prospect, especially if youve been out of the classroom for a while. Its a big commitment of your time and energy, and theres a lot to consider. Here are a few tips on how to make the transition back to school as a mom a bit easier. Start by assessing your financial situation. Going back to school may mean taking out loans, and youll want to make sure youre able to pay them off. Consider your current income and expenses, and any potential changes that will arise from returning to school. Make sure youre able to financially manage the change before making a commitment. Once youve figured out the finances, take a look at your lifestyle. Can you realistically handle the demands of school and motherhood? Will you be able to juggle your current schedule effectively? How will you handle childcare or other commitments? Take a look at your daily routine and see what adjustments need to be made to accommodate school. If you decide youre ready to take the plunge, begin by researching your options. What type of degree or certification do you want to pursue? Are there schools or programs that fit your needs? What are the requirements and deadlines? Make sure you have a clear plan before you start the application process. Also, consider the longterm effects of returning to school. How will this decision affect your future career goals? Will you have to take time off from work or scale back your hours? Are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve your educational goals? Finally, dont forget to take care of yourself. Being a mom is a demanding job, and returning to school can add even more stress. Make sure youre taking care of your physical and mental health, and dont be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. Going back to school as a mom is a big decision, but it can also be very rewarding. With a bit of planning and preparation, you can make the transition back to school a bit easier. Take some time to assess your financial situation, lifestyle, and longterm goals, and make sure youre taking care of yourself along the way. Good luck!

For another perspective, we asked Judge Josh at Outlaw Student the same question — here’s what he said:

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