Get off your high horse!

Why is it a bad idea to get on a high horse during a scholarship application?

When applying for a scholarship, it is important to make sure that you come across in a positive light. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to appear judgmental and get on a high horse during your application process. Not only will this make you appear unprofessional and immature, it can potentially damage your chances of being accepted. First of all, appearing judgmental and getting on a high horse can give off the wrong impression to the scholarship judges. Scholarship judges are looking for applicants that have a genuine interest in the topic and have done the research to back up their statements. If you come across as condescending or superior, it will not reflect well on your character and make it seem as though you are not taking the application process or the scholarship seriously. It will also make it seem as though you are trying to impress the judges with your knowledge rather than trying to engage in meaningful dialogue. In addition, getting on a high horse could also make it seem like you are not taking the other applicants into consideration. Scholarship judges want to select the best candidate and they consider the other applicants strengths and weaknesses when making their decision. If you appear judgmental and dismissive of the other applicants work, it can make it seem like you are not taking their contributions seriously and that you believe your work is more important. It is important to remember that scholarships are a competitive process and you should always show respect for the other applicants and their work. Finally, appearing judgmental and getting on a high horse could negatively impact your chances of being accepted for the scholarship. Scholarship judges are looking for applicants that demonstrate maturity, professionalism and respect for the other applicants work. If you come across as judgmental or superior, it will make it seem like you are not taking the scholarship seriously and it could lead to your application being rejected. Overall, it is important to remember that your scholarship application is your chance to make a good impression on the judges. Appearing judgmental and getting on a high horse will not make a good impression and could damage your chances of being accepted. It is important to show respect for the other applicants and demonstrate maturity and professionalism during the process. Doing so will ensure that you come across in a positive light and increase your chances of being accepted for the scholarship.

For another perspective, we asked Judge Josh at Outlaw Student the same question — here’s what he said:

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